Thursday, September 18, 2008 | By: Kunal Ekawde

Learning Tall

It is said that learning never ends, and it proves itself. The more you learn, there is more to learn. I wonder to my greatest imagination, so much to learn for me in all aspects of life; and for the sorry state to people who miss it either by avoiding or by circumstances. For this article, I don't consider circumstances as a reason, for it may be governed by financial/orthodox condition.
I feel the main factor affecting ones stature/credibility is his knowledge and this is gained in whatever form available viz schooling or by experience. My main intention with saying this is that, I feel, teachers and the social environment of a child play a very important role in shaping his life.

During schooling, the mind is still under process of developing views etc and if a teacher is able to influence with a social aspect such as positive-attitude, helping-nature, environment-awareness or with technical aspect indulging in live experiments or with any form of art, it is a boon and boost to the student. The thinking process starts within the student towards the direction of his interest which leads to a human of greater understanding in an area.

The social environment with respect to the mates/people and home atmosphere(to certain extend) also influences on student learning ability. The flock one moves with or the social atmosphere involved in, makes one think out of box towards constructive work which really impacts on future.
For that matter, most of us have a one teacher (school/family/friend) who has influenced our lives for what we are today. As of me too, in school, a marathi language teacher - Mr Lau Phadte really made me think on social things with his explanation thru the beautiful/meaningful poems. Another teacher, Mr.Joshi teaching maths class, really pushed me to high gear of efforts simply by explaining the fact that anyone can be so-called 'scholar' by putting some extra efforts and focusing on goal and emphasizing that there is no distinction whatsoever.

In my small way to make a difference, I too indulge in teaching , initially started with Parikrma Foundation and now at Unnati Foundation as volunteer and believe me, it is fun teaching -- teaching to stand tall !!


hena said...

Quite true! Learning never ends...
The more we learn we find there is yet more to learn.
It however is like an exchange programme.
So a message for all Keep learning...keep living...