Wednesday, October 8, 2008 | By: Kunal Ekawde

Winds of Change

Nothing with life remains constant. People, Places, Things keep changing. Some people like it and some don't. Well, the more prominent changes are triggered by people themselves. The two most important things we notice often is the change in person and place. A internal change is essential for a person to adapt to the environment; only when it scales positive. A change in place is something which should be subjected to local environment and the sentiments of the people in that area.
The time is king here!!. All the moments, we can only re-collect, some making us laugh, some happy, angry and some cry. And may be for all good reasons, I don't wear a watch :)

If that glass didn't break, if that event didn't happen, if that mistake didn't happen, if that ....
I wonder if things* didn't change with time; ohhh man!!, it dosen't sounds good. And the Scorpions have done a very good justice to their song.

* - Conditions Apply - to the set which you can think at this moment.