Least as many must have jotted down about Goa it is different for every individual who is part of it.
If I start thinking all of it, this page won't be sufficient. But still feel like noting few events.
My childhood as been in the village of Goa-Velha, and as I say it I can feel the warmth it has. Its the fragrance, the warmth and the feeling it gets you. I remember going to High School at Peoples in Panjim by the 'kethoba'(name of the bus) bus with the fare of Rs:1.50 (cant recollect exact).
The most interesting part was walking from the home to the village busstand and back from busstand to home.
There was(is) a tamarind on the way from the busstand to home. And I had real good interest in eating those, so had to stone them down. And when the stones(which can be throne) were not available, had to return without one.
Also there was a small shop at the corner of the church, it was kind of open, basically 2 parts, one to store the extra items and other for unrelated things. Its like most houses in Goa would have a spare area (also called as kopshi/khope) were many unnecessary things are stored which may aid you sometime for example some wooden pieces, an axe or some copper wire etc. Ok, back to shop; so just a little ahead of those compartments was a display stand, which had the glass utensils containing chocalates, mints and others among the 'roll-aa-ka-cola', man, that was amazing. On saving some few bucks mostly like a rupee or two, I would be proud owner of one. One more thing I liked was a pepsi, no its not the pepsi you know but the small freezed sweet drink filled in a small plastic cylinder. It had many flavours too. There was one for Rs:0.50 and Rs:1.
During rains, was the best part of that walking. The sand road which led to my home had small slopes and water would flow down and believe me it was clear, transparent. I would always put my leg in the flow to feel it. The water felt nice to the bare feet, which were only covered by a small rubber payal, mostly worn for school.
Ohh man, it was all fun...
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